Servo Controller Hookup Guide

A servo controller is a dedicated board that helps the user to control servos based on the commands sent to it from …

Familiarize with SIM800C TTL Modem

SIM800C TTL UART modem, the latest addition to rhydoLABZ GPS/GPRS modem, helps to add wireless connectivity to your project using TTL UART …

Quick Guide to PMTK Commands

Each GPS chip comes hard-programmed with certain parameters like update rate, baud rate, sentence selection, etc. that determine the output of the receiver. …


Why I2C (IIC) Type LCD? If you plan to add a simple readable interface in your next project. alphanumeric LCD may be …

Getting started with nRF24L01+

nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz wireless chip from Nordic Semiconductor is the successor to the popular nRF2401 series of chips. The 24L01+ takes all …